
Turned off the flightcheck feature in indesign cs6
Turned off the flightcheck feature in indesign cs6

turned off the flightcheck feature in indesign cs6

The edges of the image will be made visible and you can adjust position or scale if you wish.

turned off the flightcheck feature in indesign cs6

To select the image directly, double-click inside the frame. Raster images in InDesign are always placed inside frames, allowing you to apply effects to either the containing frame or the image itself, or both. Hold down Shift while you drag to create a perfect square, circle or polygon. Simply choose your tool, then click and drag onto the page to create an image frame. The Rectangle Frame Tool (F) is the most commonly used frame creator, but you can also choose from an Ellipse Frame Tool and Polygon Frame Tool, both accessible from the Rectangle Tool’s drop-down menu. Frames are used to insert photos, illustrations or backgrounds into InDesign (which can be done using File > Place). These tools are essential if you’re a beginner looking to create image-based designs. The Frame Tools are all marked out by the ‘X’ across their symbol in the Tools panel. Get to grips with typography basics in InDesign in this quick tutorial. By clicking on the paragraph symbol below the ‘A’ at the far-left of the panel, you can also access the Paragraph Formatting Controls panel, which gives you access to options for formatting larger sections of text, including Hyphenation, Alignment and Indentation. Once you have the Type Tool selected InDesign will switch to the Character Formatting Controls panel at the top of the workspace, allowing you to adjust Font, Size, Leading, Tracking, Kerning and other typography settings. You can also turn any shape or line into a text path by activating the Type on a Path Tool, which you can find inside the Type Tool’s drop-down menu. You can also transform any shape into a text frame by simply double-clicking your type cursor onto the shape. Select the Type Tool and drag onto the page to create a new text frame, or click into an existing text frame to activate editing. The Type Tool (T) is your gateway tool to putting together your very own text-based designs. InDesign is a publishing program, and as a result is perfectly designed for creating pro-standard typography.

turned off the flightcheck feature in indesign cs6

Click again on one of these white squares to select the anchor-point directly, and drag or use the arrow keys on your keyboard to adjust.Īs a beginner to InDesign, you’ll want to get to grips with creating text. Click on the object with the Direct Selection Tool and you’ll notice that small white squares appear around the edges. I tend to use this when editing the anchor-points of shapes or vector elements.

turned off the flightcheck feature in indesign cs6

Next is the Direct Selection Tool (Shortcut: A), which is the white arrow sitting below the Selection Tool on the panel, is better suited to adjusting the position of individual points. Top tip: Hold down Shift while using this tool to keep the proportions of an element fixed. Grab text frames, image frames and shapes with this tool to move them elsewhere, or click and drag corners of objects to adjust size. Use this tool to, you guessed it, select things! This is your go-to tool for when you want to move or scale items. You can find it at the very top of the Tools panel. Top beginner tool number one – the Selection Tool (Shortcut: V, Escape), which is the tool activated by default when you first open up InDesign.

Turned off the flightcheck feature in indesign cs6